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English (UK) Sq ft

Family house noosa with modern green garden


Ut eleifend dapibus dui, id semper massa aliquet a. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean hendrerit nulla eu quam commodo, sit amet accumsan velit euismod. Cras quam lacus, ultrices eget egestas sit amet, tempor sit amet magna. Ut eu suscipit ligula. Morbi id interdum lectus, a imperdiet neque. Duis varius posuere ultricies. Sed aliquet molestie orci, a feugiat massa dignissim a. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Aenean non pretium mauris. Donec quis massa massa. Nullam convallis felis sed cursus luctus. Morbi at nunc est. Maecenas gravida ligula dui, a tincidunt sapien elementum non. Ut luctus convallis ullamcorper. Ut eleifend malesuada quam, eu pellentesque ante commodo in. Nam gravida est non accumsan cursus.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean sed posuere mi. Nulla eu luctus diam. Integer et accumsan purus. Proin vulputate sapien erat, ac ultricies nunc ullamcorper sed. Nam rutrum quam justo, vel bibendum odio dignissim eget. Etiam hendrerit augue erat, vitae pharetra nunc interdum non. Phasellus efficitur tempus faucibus. Suspendisse sed accumsan ligula. Cras non commodo leo, non semper felis. Donec faucibus accumsan dui sit amet condimentum. Vestibulum lectus quam, laoreet vitae gravida eu, finibus non est.

Suspendisse ut augue ut turpis congue rhoncus ut laoreet lectus. Donec tellus libero, sollicitudin a arcu quis, vestibulum fringilla libero. Sed lobortis purus in dapibus pellentesque. Curabitur laoreet nec massa at imperdiet. Cras orci ligula, tempor vitae blandit sed, dictum id diam. Sed ullamcorper euismod felis faucibus scelerisque. Maecenas in quam sed enim malesuada pellentesque et id lacus. Morbi id enim nibh.


Dog park
Dog washing station
Large dogs allowed
Multiple pets allowed
Covered parking
Assigned parking spaces
Bike storage lockers
Shared car services
Electric car charging stations
Pedestrian-friendly - Walk Score
Bus stop/Public transportation access
Shared laundry room
Washers and dryers in the units
Laundry service
Dishwasher in unit
High-end kitchen appliances
High-end countertops and finishes
Energy-efficient appliances
Patio or balcony
Wood flooring
Storage in unit
Charging outlets with USB ports
Smart Controls for Heating/Cooling
High-Speed Internet
Cable or Satellite TV
Online Options for leasing
paying rent
and making maintenance requests
Fitness center
Yoga/dance studio
Community Center
Media room
Party room
Community events and classes
Outdoor areas
Jogging/walking/bike path or access to one nearby
Close to schools
Babysitting/Afterschool services
Security cameras
Security guard
Gated access
Valet trash
Recycling center
Doorstep recycling collection
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Property insurance

They contrived their business very well, for they came up to the ship about midnight.


Lowest commission

They contrived their business very well, for they came up to the ship about midnight.


Largest real estate base

They contrived their business very well, for they came up to the ship about midnight.


Fastest service

He made his passenger captain of one, with four of the men; and himself, his mate, and five more, went in the other


National real estate base

They contrived their business very well, for they came up to the ship about midnight.


Worldwide company

He made his passenger captain of one, with four of the men; and himself, his mate, and five more, went in the other